Computers in Surveying and Drainage Design

← Takaisin
Tekijä Karvonen, Tuomo
Sarja Proceedings of International Seminar on Land Drainage
DOI/ISBN-numero 951-753-859-6
Päivämäärä 1986
Avainsanat computer-based technique, digital terrain model, drainage design, surveying methods
Rahoitus Drainage Foundation
Organisaatio Finnish Field Drainage Centre
Sivut 233 - 245
Kieli englanti

A new surveying technique to be used in obtaining the data for subsurface drainage plan is described. Benefits and drawbacks of the system are listed. The more irregular the field the better the new system is compared with traditional surveying methods. A computer-based drainage design system is presented. The greatest time-savings can be achieved when compiling the materials catalogue and calculating costs.