
Established in 1984 the Finnish Drainage Foundation is an independent non-profit organization. It was set up to keep up and enhance the development of field drainage in Finland. The aim was defined to fund and support the research and education of subsurface drainage and rural water management as well as the consultancy of farmers on these issues. Technical issues were the most important ones at the very beginning but nowadays the environmental issues as well as social and economic aspects are studied, too.

The Foundation promotes its aims by awarding funds and grants for the research and studies, education and consultancy concerning subsurface drainage in Finland. It has funded e.g. the Field Drainage Association ( and the Drainage Research Association.

In the jubilee year 1997 the Foundation established a special research fund called Salaojituksen Tukisäätiön Juhlavuoden 1997 rahasto (The Jubilee Year Fund), which awards grants for scientific studies in universities on a yearly basis.

The Foundation grants an award called “Rakennusneuvos J. Saavalaisen tunnustuspalkinto” every third year. The aim is to acknowledge significant practices or scientific research in field drainage in Finland.